Ninja Pendisk |Antivirus Khusus Flashdisk|


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Ninja is the popular and freeware program designed for guarding computers against viruses transmitted by USB pendisks.

This ninja awaits quietly in the system tray for the times whenever a USB pendisk is inserted on the computer which will be examined to uncover the commonly malicious or virulent files known as “autorun.inf” and “ctfmon.exe” amongst many others.

To keep things simple, ninja is fully portable, self-contained and requires no installation. 

setelah gue pakek ternyata ni flasdisk gag pekek nginstall oi !!
lumayand buat protect Flahsdish Kita dari serangan virus-virus ! terutama autorun.inf !!
so ..??
Mari di coba kawand !!

Download NinjaPendisk

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